Third round of engagement – Draft Moolap Plan
The third round of engagement closed on 31 May 2017 and was based on the community (including land owners), organisations and the general public providing feedback on the Draft Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan. This feedback helped to inform the final Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan.
View the Draft Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan (PDF, 3.4 MB)
View the Draft Moolap Coastal Strategic Framework Plan (Accessible version) (DOCX, 59.8 KB)
The Round Three Summary of Feedback captures the comments received via an online survey, stakeholder briefings, open house sessions, and submissions.
View the Round Three Summary of feedback (PDF, 753.2 KB).
Second round of engagement – Discussion Paper
The second round of engagement closed on the 29 July 2016 and was based on the community, including land owners, organisations and the general public providing feedback on the Discussion Paper. The Discussion Paper included a Draft Vision and Principles and seven possible land-use scenarios.
View the Discussion Paper (PDF, 2.5 MB).
Released for information alongside the Discussion Paper were:
The Round Two Summary of Feedback report captures the feedback that was received during the second round of community engagement through the online survey, feedback received at our stakeholder briefings and open house sessions, and submissions. All feedback received is important in informing the preparation of the draft Moolap Plan.
View the Round Two Summary of feedback (PDF, 2.0 MB).
First round of engagement
The first round of engagement involved asking the community/stakeholders for their issues, future ideas and information about the study area. This included a letter being sent to every owner/occupier in the study area, public notices and engagement activities such as community open houses, workshops, a survey and opportunities for people to make a written submission.
The Round One Summary of Feedback report captures the key points and feedback received during the first round of community engagement, allowing readers to understand the variety of ideas and opportunities submitted. This document does not attempt to capture every specific comment or reference specific comments to individuals or organisations. All suggested ideas during this process are important for informing the preparation of the Moolap Plan.
View the Round One Summary of feedback (PDF, 5.0 MB).
Page last updated: 13/09/19