The Annual Reports provide regular updates on the progress of the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027 (EMP)’s implementation as outlined in the Delivery Plan. Annual Reports include case studies, achievement metrics and detail new activities added to the Delivery Plan.

Report cards, often using indices, have been established to evaluate the health of Port Phillip Bay under the structure of the EMP's framework. These report cards will support Annual Reporting, enable annual EMP priority setting and support the development of targets for the EMP's Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement framework.

Indices enable simplified reporting on complex information and are used worldwide for reporting on environmental condition and management actions.

The following indices are reported against annually for the EMP:

Image shows covers of the 6 index documents; marine biodiversity, marine and coastal stewardship, eutrophication, marine biosecurity, litter and the PPB EMP MERI document

Page last updated: 18/04/24