Acknowledgement of Country

Image displayed is by artist Tom Day and titled Aboriginal Cultural Identity Mirring - Country, representing the diverse Countries and landscapes across Victoria.

The artist, Tom Day worked closely with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Aboriginal Staff network to create DEECA's Aboriginal Cultural Identity Mirring – Country. Mirring represents the diverse Countries and landscapes across Victoria and the “scars that have been left within the landscape by our people” while at the same time reminding us of “our inherent responsibility to protect Country".

The Victorian Government proudly acknowledges Victoria’s Aboriginal communities and their rich culture, and pays respect to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as Australia’s first peoples and as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land and water on which we rely.

We recognise the intrinsic connection of the Kulin nation people to Nairm (Port Phillip Bay) and its catchments, and we value their contribution in the management of land, water and the natural landscape. We support the need for genuine partnerships with Aboriginal people and communities, to understand their culture and connections to Country, and to better manage the Bay and its catchment. We embrace the spirit of reconciliation, working towards the equality of outcomes and ensuring an equal voice.

The Port Philip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027

The Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027 (EMP)'s vision is:

A healthy Port Phillip Bay that is valued and cared for by all Victorians.

The EMP operates under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018. It sets out priority goals and actions for taking care of Port Phillip Bay. We worked in partnership with Melbourne Water and the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA). Community and stakeholder groups shaped the vision, goals, priorities and actions. Action and investment of the EMP over the next 10 years is guided by three main goals: fostering stewardship; improved water quality; and thriving habitats and marine life (see full Framework). Access here the full Port Phillip Bay EMP Document (PDF, 5.5 MB), and Port Philip Bay EMP Summary (PDF, 589.6 KB).

Image is of the EMP framework with listed goals, priority areas and strategies.

Implementing the Plan

The Port Phillip Bay EMP began in late 2017 and will be implemented over ten years using an adaptive management approach.
Image is the front cover of the PPB EMP 2017-2027 full document

The EMP aligns with:

The EMP includes a Delivery Plan with Annual Reporting, and 2 future evaluation reports (Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Improvement MERI). These will ensure that the EMP's activities remain focused and aligned to the priority actions. Governance arrangements have been set up to ensure those interested across government, industry and the community continue to be involved in the implementation of the EMP.

The Delivery Plan outlines how the EMP will be implemented including details on specific activities, program leads and partners, delivery timelines and expected outputs. The first annual report to provide a progress update of the Delivery Plan was finalised January 2020.

DEECA have also developed a Marine Knowledge Framework as one of the actions within the Delivery Plan, to support and guide evaluation of the EMP. The Marine Knowledge Framework is also in response to a critical recommendation within the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria's State of the Bays 2016 report and more recently their 2018 State of the Environment report. The Marine Knowledge Framework encompasses all marine environments across the state, not just Port Phillip Bay.

The below timeline outlines the key milestones and method development in implementing and reporting on the EMP.

Image displays the chronological timeline of the EMP and when key documents such as indices, annual reports or delivery plans were published.

Reporting Progress

Yearly updates on the progress of Delivery Plan activities are coordinated with the cross-agency Working Group and the Project Officer Group who manage or deliver activities. These updates are endorsed by the Project Control Group and are fed into the annual report. Individual activities presented in the Delivery Plan are available through the EMP theme on CoastKit. The current and past Annual Reports are also available through our online interactive structure.

Infographic displayed is of achievements the EMP has achieved from 2017-2022, including 277 activities undertaken, 87400+ plantings, 4290+ hectares rehabilitated, 1177+ tonnes of litter removed, 67 partnerships and collaborations and 98000+ people educated and trained.

Port Phillip Bay Fund

The Port Phillip Bay Fund is a grant program provided by the Victorian Government. It supports community groups, not-for profit organisations, schools, research institutes, councils and Traditional Owner groups to protect and enhance Port Phillip Bay's natural environment.