The Delivery Plan outlines how the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027 (EMP) will be implemented including details on specific activities, program leads and partners, delivery timelines and expected outputs. The Delivery Plan, Annual Reports, and two MERI evaluation reports (5-yearly and end of Plan), ensure that the EMP’s activities remain focused and aligned to the priority actions identified. Governance arrangements have been set up to ensure those interested across government, industry and the community can continue being involved in the implementation of the EMP.

Delivery Plan

Image of the cover of the EMP Delivery Plan document, including images of a weedy seadragon a seabird

The updated Delivery Plan currently includes 310 funded activities that align with the EMP’s priority actions. Priority actions to deliver the EMP began in late 2017 and will be implemented over the 10 year life of the Plan following an adaptive management approach.

Page last updated: 11/11/24