Image of status for Snapper, showing Fair result, Improving trend and High data confidence.

The status of Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) in Port Phillip Bay in 2021-2022 was Fair and the trend is Improving. This status is informed by available time-series data from the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) indicating biomass from commercial Catch Per Unit Effort for haul seine in Port Phillip Bay and recreational Catch Per Unit Effort creel surveys. The confidence score for this data is High.

Victoria’s snapper population is divided into a western and eastern stock, with the western stock covering the Port Phillip Bay region. Port Phillip Bay is the main spawning area for western stock replenishment, with spawning occurring between November and January. Phillip Bay is Victoria’s

Photograph of a snapper swimming.Photo credit: Julian Finn, Museums Victoria Copyright Julian Finn / CC BY-NC

largest snapper fishery, both commercial and recreational fishing occurs. The western stock fisheries account for most of the Victorian snapper harvest and receive most of the assessment and management attention. The current stock classification by VFA, has characterised the snapper stock (state-wide) as sustainable. This fish stock is classified as high relative importance for Victoria. The status was calculated using a Biological Quality Ratio. For more detail on how this status was calculated view the methodology section.

Map Data Source: CoastKit
Data contributors and acknowledgements:

Victorian Fisheries Authority logo.

Page last updated: 17/04/24