The following tools can be used to assist coastal managers and communities with decision-making. They help to inform on local and statewide coastal processes, future scenarios, and hazards and risks.

To access the raw and processed data, please see our Data Access and Data Management page.


CoastKit is a data tool for coastal and marine managers and researchers.

The Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program data can be found under the self-titled layer on CoastKit.

VCMP data available:

  • Survey sites
  • Shorelines and trends (Drone surveys, Digital Earth Australia, Aerial Imagery and CoastSat)
  • Transect Substrate Segments
  • Wave Buoy Network (Locations)
  • Western Port Embayment Project Sites
  • Coastal Wave Model Statistics (Wave direction and height)

CoastKit Credit Rhiannon Holden

For general information on how to use CoastKit, please watch the CoastKit "how-to" series.

For more information on how to use the VCMP data on CoastKit, please see the below PowerPoint presentations:

Propeller Aero

Propeller Aero contains the data collected from drone surveys. The portal allows you to view site elevation, examine changes between surveys, explore orthomosaic maps and overlay your own points, lines and polygons for comparison.

The portal is accessible to the public using the log in details below:

  • Go to
  • Select "Log in"
  • Enter the following details
    • Username:
    • Password: VCMP12345

Propeller Aero 'how to' series

Watch the videos below to find out more about how to use Propeller Aero:


The VCMP established a wave buoy network along the coast of Victoria. Data from the wave buoy network, including significant wave height, peak period and peak direction are available from VicWaves.

The location of interest can be further explored by selecting the relevant pin on the map or by choosing the location from the list along the right-hand side.

Please see VCMP - How to use VicWaves (PPTX, 16.6 MB) PowerPoint for more information about accessing the data.

Contact the VCMP Team for hindcast data.

Other Portals

The following list of data portals may be useful for gathering required information:

For access to raw and processed data, please see the Data Assess and Data Management page or contact us.

Page last updated: 17/04/24