Coastal Public Access and Risk Grants Application Guidelines 2023-24 (round closed)
PDF version: Coastal Public Access and Risk Grants Application Guidelines 2023-24 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
The Coastal Public Access and Risk (CPAR) Grants Program provides grants to coastal Crown land managers to reduce coastal risk and improve public access.
The Victorian Government is funding these grants for activities that reduce coastal risk through identification, mitigation, and monitoring.
Given the range of risks that are inherent in a dynamic coastal environment, this program aims to support a strategic and balanced approach to risk management along the Victorian coast.
Appointed Victorian coastal Crown land managers under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 can apply for funding. This includes local government authorities, committees of management, Parks Victoria, Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority, and Phillip Island Nature Parks.
To be eligible for funding the applicant must also meet the following criteria:
- The project location is on coastal Crown land (defined in the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 s.4[1]) over which the applicant is the land manager, where the reservation / management status provides for public access.
- The project is consistent with the scope of this program and supports outcomes consistent with the program’s objectives.
- The applicant has discussed the project with their regional DEECA Land and Built Environment (LBE) contact officer (listed in section 15 of these guidelines) and has received a ‘letter of in-principle support’ from the relevant DEECA Regional Manager LBE Programs.
- (Note that funding may be sought for projects prior to permits and/or consents being obtained, however this letter is required as evidence that the project is supported in principle by your DEECA region).
- The applicant organisation has completed reporting requirements for any previous CPAR grants to the satisfaction of DEECA.
- Applicants that are voluntary committees of management have returned their 2022-23 Annual Financial Return to DEECA.
- All relevant supporting documents listed in section 8 of these guidelines are provided with the application.
The following organisations and individuals cannot apply for funding:
- individuals
- government departments and government agencies which are not Crown land managers
- private sector businesses and agencies
- educational institutions
- not for profit organisations.
- Although project proposals may involve other groups, only the appointed Crown land manager is eligible to apply.
This program provides funds for activities that support coastal Crown land managers to develop and implement projects that reduce risk and prioritise public access to coastal Crown land.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of activities that may be eligible for funding:
4.1 Risk identification, assessment, and evaluation
- risk assessment frameworks and guidelines
- feasibility/preliminary studies and investigations
- condition or safety audits.
4.2 Risk treatment
- works supported by strategic risk assessments, preliminary condition audits or engineering and geotechnical reports, coastal and marine management plans, and adaptation plans consistent with Victoria’s Resilient Coast – Adapting for 2100+
- removal of damaged or dangerous assets
- renewal or replacement of coastal dependent assets or infrastructure
- minor maintenance of coastal protection structures (including seawalls, revetments, groynes, and breakwaters)
- installation of signage and access barriers or fencing
- engineering responses to geological and erosion risks.
4.3 Risk monitoring
- land stability monitoring
- longitudinal studies (for example erosion, coastal processes, geotechnical).
4.4 Improved access
- construction of well-designed and safe access structures (for example handrails, stairs, ramps, boardwalks, paths/shared trails)
- enable access for people with varied levels of physical ability or capability (for example accessible change rooms, parking, beach matting)
- consolidation of informal access points
- prohibit off-road access to coastal areas by private vehicles.
Priorities for funding
DEECA recognises that projects will be varied, given the range of risks and mitigation approaches.
All projects funded under the program must provide outcomes that contribute to the overall objective of reducing risk on coastal Crown land.
The CPAR grants program will not fund the following activities:
- the purchase of land
- routine or ongoing maintenance activities that should be part of the day-to-day management of the reserve, including weed removal
- activities that have already started (i.e., where projects have commenced prior to funding approval)
- recurrent operating costs, for example rent and utility costs, salaries (including project management), and/or activities establishing expectations of ongoing funding
- activities located outside the State of Victoria
- projects on reserves with limited public access, or relating to private land or assets
- projects already funded by other grant programs (‘double-dipping’)
- projects supported by other government funding programs and initiatives such as those relating to local ports, recreational boating and fishing, sport and recreation and non-coastal dependent facilities or infrastructure
- tree risk studies or mitigation works
- dredging
- establishing a Bushfire Place of Last Resort.
The total funding available is $1,000,000 over the 2023-24 financial year.
Grants of up to $150,000 (GST exclusive) are available to successful applicants.
Applicants may apply for up to three different grant projects (one application per project).
The program provides a financial contribution to projects based on the annual revenue of the applicant:
Applicant annual revenue | Maximum CPAR grant program contribution |
< $1,000,000 | 100% of project cost |
> $1,000,000 | 70% of project cost |
Applicants’ contributions must be financial rather than in-kind.
First, applications will be checked for eligibility to make sure that the applicant and their activity are eligible for funding. After that, eligible applications will be assessed using the criteria listed below. Each criterion is given a percentage weighting to indicate its relative importance in the assessment process. Applications should address all relevant criteria.
Why? Weight = 40%
Why is the project required? Demonstrate the extent to which the project will reduce coastal risk and/or improve public access to the coast:
- state the problem
- describe the current asset condition (including photographs), where relevant
- identify all known existing risks that the project will address (address each of the following as appropriate: public safety, social, cultural, environmental, and economic) and
- identify any need for improved/consolidated access and nearby alternatives, where relevant.
What? Weight = 25%
What will be delivered? Provide details of what the funding will be used for and:
- demonstrate the extent to which the project will address identified risks of significant priority and/or provide a strategic approach to a coastal risk mitigation priority
- demonstrate consistency with the Victorian Marine and Coastal Policy 2020 - - and any applicable guidelines made under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018, including Siting and Design Guidelines for Structures on the Victorian Coast 2020 -
- where the project relates to assessment/monitoring, explain the assessment process and implementation and
- explain how the proposed structure will be managed and its benefits sustained once the project is delivered, where relevant.
Who? Weight = 25%
Who will the project impact and how? Demonstrate the extent to which the project will deliver key benefits:
- clearly identify the intended benefits (public safety, social, cultural, environmental, and economic) that the project will deliver.
How? Weight = 10%
How will the project be delivered? Provide details that demonstrate a sound approach to the project planning, implementation, and delivery process:
- demonstrate well-defined timelines, planned sequences, and time-bound actions with sufficient risk measures taken for time over-runs, including consideration of relevant permits, approvals, and consents
- demonstrate capacity to implement and/or source expertise to manage the delivery of the project
- demonstrate stakeholder engagement has commenced or is being considered, to ensure project acceptance for delivery
- where the project relates to assessment/monitoring, state the initiation time for the next course of action and
- outline the proposed funding contributions for the project.
Please submit the following documents with your application:
- site specific project costings, i.e., at least one written quote for each eligible component of works totalling the estimated cost of the project, or a registered Quantity Surveyor’s estimate, dated and obtained within the past six (6) months.
- Where project costings cannot be supported by these items, the applicant must attach a letter detailing the reasons why, for consideration by the assessment panel.
- an in-principle support letter to undertake the project from the relevant DEECA Regional Manager Land and Built Environment program.
- a current condition report / risk assessment / images depicting the risk that will be addressed through this initiative (where relevant).
Funding agreements
Successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement with Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). The Victorian Common Funding Agreement is used for funding agreements with not-for-profit organisations and Local Government Authorities.
The DEECA Transfer Payment Funding Agreement is used for Victorian public entities, as defined under section 5 of the Public Administration Act 2004.
It is recommended that applicants review the terms and conditions before applying. Information about the Victorian Common Funding Agreement is available on
The activity does not include using the Funding for political campaigning or advocacy activities for political parties.
The funding agreement will include reference to the following:
- Projects must be completed within twelve (12) months of execution of funding agreement.
- Recipients may seek timing and/or scope variations for funded projects. Consideration of variations may lead to changes in deliverables, milestones, grant amount (excluding increases) and payments.
Maximum program contributions are calculated as a percentage of the total project cost. For successful applications, the total project cost must be supported by project costings as outlined in section 8 of these guidelines.
Discrepancies in project costs must be funded by the applicant.
Successful applicants are also required to:
- meet contractual obligations to deliver the project and report on its success by the due date, i.e., within 12 months of the funding agreement being executed
- where applicable, complete tender works in accordance with Victorian Government requirements, including procurement guidelines
- obtain all necessary land manager relevant permits, approvals, and consents prior to the commencement of any works, including consent under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 *
- provide to the state any information or documents requested in relation to the project (including documents produced as a result of program funding)
- be responsible for arranging and preparing specifications for tender and signing project agreements or contracts
- (DEECA may be able to provide some assistance in preparing briefs, agreements, and contracts, and on sourcing contractors with appropriate specialised expertise.
- Note it is mandatory that any civil and structural engineers engaged must be registered with the Business Licensing Authority to provide professional engineering services.)
* Works on coastal Crown land requires consent under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 (‘MACA consent’). Under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a planning permit may also be required. Under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, a Cultural Heritage Management Plan may also be required.
Applicants must contact their DEECA Regional Land and Built Environment officer (listed in section 15 of these guidelines) before applying for a grant to ensure that appropriate processes are followed and current turnaround times for permits/consents are considered in project timelines.
If you are successful in your application, it is strongly recommended that you contact your DEECA regional Land and Built Environment team within 14 days of signing the grant funding agreement to ensure the timely issue of any permits/consents required. For example, a MACA consent can take up to 60 days to assess.
Legislative and regulatory requirements
In delivering the activity grant recipients are required to comply with all relevant Commonwealth and state/territory legislations and regulations, including but not limited to:
- The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth)
- The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
- Marine and Coastal Act 2018
- Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
- Native Title Act 1993
- Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010
- Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003
- Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016
- Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018
- Planning and Environment Act 1987
Tax implications
Applicants should consult the Australian Taxation Office or seek professional advice on any taxation implications that may arise from this grant funding.
Successful applicants without an ABN will need to provide a completed Australian Taxation Office form ‘Statement by a Supplier’ so that no withholding tax is required from the grant payment.
Acknowledging the Victorian Government’s support
Successful applicants are expected to acknowledge the Victorian Government’s support, and promotional guidelines ( will form part of the funding agreement. Successful applicants must liaise with the departmental program area to coordinate any public events or announcements related to the project.
Payments will be made as long as:
- the funding agreement has been signed by both parties
- grant recipients provide reports as required, or otherwise demonstrate that the activity is progressing as expected
- other terms and conditions of funding continue to be met.
Grant recipients are required to comply with project monitoring and reporting requirements as outlined in the funding agreement. This may include progress reports, site inspections, completion reports and acquittal documentation.
Any personal information about you or a third party in your application will be collected by the department for the purposes of administering your grant application and informing Members of Parliament of successful applications. Personal information may also be disclosed to external experts, such as members of assessment panels, or other Government Departments for assessment, reporting, advice, comment or for discussions regarding alternative or collaborative grant funding opportunities. If you intend to include personal information about third parties in your application, please ensure that they are aware of the contents of this privacy statement.
Any personal information about you or a third party in your correspondence will be collected, held, managed, used, disclosed or transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and other applicable laws.
DEECA is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. You can find the DEECA Privacy Policy online at
Requests for access to information about you held by DEECA should be sent to the Manager Privacy, P.O. Box 500 East Melbourne 8002 or contact by emailing
Applications are submitted online using the Grants Online portal.
To apply, go to the 'Apply for a Coastal Public Access and Risk grant' section of this webpage and click on the ‘Start New Application’ button. A link is also provided here to return to a saved draft application.
Attaching required documents
Supporting documents must be in an acceptable file type, such as Word, Excel, PDF, or JPEG. The maximum file size for each file is 10MB.
You will receive an application number when you submit an application online. Please quote this number in all communications with the department relating to your application.
If you have documents to submit that cannot be attached to your online application you can email them to, quoting your application number. Attach all documents to one email, zipping the files if required.
Make sure your application is submitted by 5.00 pm on 1 November 2023.
Note: No hard copy applications will be accepted. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are also available on this program web page.
DEECA’s ‘On Board’ provides information for DEECA agencies about risk:
Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing after the assessment process is completed. All decisions are final and are not subject to further review. Unsuccessful applicants can ask for feedback on their application.
Applications open | Wednesday 27 September 2023 |
Applications close | Wednesday 1 November 2023 at 5:00 pm |
Applicants notified | Early 2024 |
Activities commence | Early 2024 |
Activities completed and acquittal reports submitted | Early 2025 |
Read these guidelines, the FAQ and the information about this grant program at before applying and complete the following checklist.
Have you:
☐ read these guidelines carefully?
☐ checked if you are, or your organisation is, eligible for this grant funding?
☐ checked if your activity is eligible for this grant funding?
☐ checked that you would be able to comply with all relevant laws and regulations in delivery of your activity?
☐ prepared the appropriate supporting documents?
Regional Land and Built Environment contacts
Your local Land and Built Environment (LBE) officer is listed below. Please contact to discuss your potential CPAR grant project and for assistance in obtaining your DEECA letter of in-principle support.
Contact the DEECA Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 or email for direct contact details.
Barwon South West region
- Jacob Mathieson
- Fraser Clatworthy
Gippsland region
- Bass Coast - Tamika Lovett
- South Gippsland - Kylie Douglas
- Wellington - Angie Hughes
- East Gippsland - Tracey West
- Jill Garvey
Port Phillip region
For assistance submitting your application online
For information about the application guidelines or the assessment process
CPAR Grants Officer –
Frequently Asked Questions
PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 252.0 KB)
The Coastal Public Access and Risk (CPAR) Grants Program provides grants to coastal Crown land managers to reduce coastal risk and improve public access. The Victorian Government is funding these grants for activities that reduce coastal risk through identification, mitigation, and monitoring. Given the range of risks that are inherent in a dynamic coastal environment, this program aims to support a strategic and balanced approach to risk management along the Victorian coast.
Before you get started, read the Coastal Public Access and Risk Grant Application Guidelines 2023-24 (‘Application Guidelines’) to check that your organisation is eligible to apply. That is:
“Appointed Victorian coastal Crown land managers under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 can apply for funding. This includes local government authorities, committees of management, Parks Victoria, Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority, and Phillip Island Nature Parks.”
The Application Guidelines also specify who may not apply.
A non-exhaustive list of the types of activities eligible for funding can be found in section 4 of the Application Guidelines. A list of successful projects from previous years can also be found on the CPAR grant webpage at Types of successful projects funded through CPAR grants include:
- new boardwalks and boardwalk extensions
- new all-abilities beach access ramps
- stair replacements and repairs
- realignment and repair of foreshore paths and trails
- decommissioning/consolidation of access paths
- safety signage
- erosion management planning
- coastal stability assessments
- erosion and coastal process studies.
A list of the types of activities not eligible for funding is in section 5 of the Application Guidelines. Projects that have not been funded in the past include:
- where the land manager has not met the eligibility criteria listed in the Application Guidelines
- where the activity has been better suited to another grants program, such as Public Safety on Public Land
- where the activity is considered ‘day-to-day maintenance’ of a reserve, such as rubbish or weed removal
- tree risk studies or mitigation works
- where the detail provided in the application has been insufficient.
The maximum funding for each grant is $150,000 (excluding GST).
Yes, you may apply for up to three different grant projects (one application per project, each up to the value of $150,000 ex GST).
As per section 6 of the Application Guidelines, the CPAR grants program provides a financial contribution to projects based on the annual revenue of the applicant. Maximum program contributions are calculated as a percentage of the total project cost.
- Where your organisation’s annual revenue is less than $1 million, the program will contribute 100% of the project cost (up to the amount of $150,000 excluding GST).
- Where your organisation’s annual revenue is more than $1 million, the program will contribute 70% of the project cost (up to the amount of $150,000 excluding GST).
For example (all figures exclusive of GST): an eligible land manager with an annual revenue of over $1 million has a project estimated to cost a total of $75,000. The land manager needs to commit to a contribution of $22,500 (30% of the estimated total project cost). DEECA would contribute $52,500 (70% of the total project cost) via the CPAR grants program.
Contributions must be ‘cash’ only – the CPAR grants program does not include in-kind contributions.
Your application must include at least one written quote or registered Quantity Surveyor’s estimate for each eligible component of works, totalling the estimated cost of the project. The quote must be dated and have been obtained within the past six (6) months.
Please ensure contingency is built into your budget.
DEECA does not pay GST in addition to the approved grant amount, as our grant payment is a GST free transaction. DEECA grant and funding agreement templates are drafted to be GST exclusive.
Whether you include GST or not depends on whether you are registered for GST – you can check at
If you are registered for GST: The budget provided in your grant application should be exclusive of GST. For example, if a contractor has quoted $20,000 including GST to undertake works, you should only include the GST exclusive amount of $18,182 in your budget.
If you are not registered for GST: The budget provided in your grant application should cover the total cost of your expenses including GST where applicable (e.g., include the impact of any GST on your purchases). The budget provided in your application should be inclusive of GST – this will ensure you are not out of pocket. For example, if a contractor has quoted $20,000 including GST to undertake works, include the whole $20,000 in your budget.
You must discuss your project with your regional DEECA Land and Built Environment (LBE) officer (listed in section 15 of the Application Guidelines) before applying. This is one of the grant eligibility criteria.
You can contact your relevant LBE officer by phoning the DEECA Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 and asking to be put through to the Coastal Public Access and Risk grants LBE contact officer for your part of the state.
Please note, if your application is successful, you will again need to contact the LBE team in your part of the state to ensure the timely issue of any permits/consents required. Phone the DEECA Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 and ask to be put through to the LBE team in your part of the state, or email: (and your enquiry will be forwarded to the public land email in your region).
Yes – one of the eligibility criteria is that you must have received a letter of in-principle support from the relevant DEECA Regional Manager LBE Programs. Without this letter, your application will be ineligible and will not proceed to assessment. Your regional LBE officer listed in section 15 of the Application Guidelines will coordinate this letter.
To allow time to coordinate this letter, it is suggested that you provide your LBE officer with a summary of each proposal against the assessment criteria listed in the application guidelines (why, what, who and how) at least two weeks before grant applications close (please confirm preferred timing with your LBE officer).
Applications must be submitted online by Wednesday 1 November 2023 at 5:00 pm. To avoid missing the cut-off, please ensure your application is submitted at least 30 minutes prior. Late applications will not be considered.
Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing in early 2024.
Projects must be completed (including the submission of acquittal documentation to DEECA) within 12 months following the execution of the funding agreement.
Discrepancies in project costs must be funded by the applicant (section 9 of the Application Guidelines). Please ensure a contingency amount is included in your project budget.
If the activity is completed for less than the original total project budget, including contingency, the funding will be reduced on a pro rata basis. The reduction in the funding will be deducted from the final grant payment or may be otherwise recovered from your organisation (DEECA will issue your organisation an invoice).
Please refer to the terms and conditions of the Transfer Payment Funding Agreement (clause 3.8.1) and Victorian Common Funding Agreement (clause 4.8, noting the specific clause in Item 2 of the Schedule where grants for activities will be reduced in line with actual activity expenditure.)
Example 1: A small voluntary committee of management (revenue less than $1 million) has a project estimated to cost $75,000. It is awarded a grant totalling 100% of the project cost.
The first milestone payment made to the committee is $67,500 (90% of the total grant amount). DEECA withholds the final milestone payment of $7,500 (10% of the total grant amount), to be paid to the committee upon project acquittal.
At project completion, the total cost of the project comes to $66,000, which is $9,000 less than the estimated project cost (awarded grant amount). The committee is still entitled to the full amount of the actual project cost, however, has now been overpaid. The committee has been paid $67,500 ($1,500 in overpayment). DEECA invoices the committee for $1,500 and DEECA retains the original final milestone payment of $7,500.
Example 2: A large committee of management (revenue over $1 million) has a project estimated to cost $75,000. The grant awarded is 70% of the total project cost ($52,500). The committee contributes 30% to the project ($22,500).
The first milestone payment made is $47,250 (90% of the total grant amount). DEECA withholds the final milestone payment of $5,250 (10% of the total grant amount), to be paid to the committee upon project acquittal.
At completion of the project, the total cost of project comes to $66,000 which is $9,000 less than the estimated project cost. The funding split is re-calculated based on the final total project cost, with DEECA now funding $46,200 (70%) and the committee contributing $19,800 (30%). The original grant ($52,500) less the revised grant ($46,200) equates to a reduction of $6,300.
The committee has been paid $47,250, which equates to overpayment by $1,050. DEECA invoices the committee for $1,050 and DEECA retains the original final milestone payment of $5,250.
Example 2 calculations – tabular format
Description | Amount (ex GST) | Note |
Estimated total project cost | $75,000 | |
DEECA contribution (70%) | $52,500 | |
Recipient contribution (30%) | $22,500 | |
Total final project cost | $66,000 | |
Revised DEECA contribution (70%) | $46,200 | |
Revised recipient contribution (30%) | $19,800 | |
Difference between original/revised DEECA contribution | $6,300 | |
First milestone paid | $47,250 | PAID |
DEECA revised contribution less first milestone paid | - $1,050 | DEECA TO INVOICE RECIPIENT |
Final milestone due | $5,250 | DEECA TO WITHHOLD |
If you require assistance submitting your application online, contact
To discuss the status of applications, the guidelines or the assessment process, contact the CPAR Grants Officer via
To discuss the specifics of your project and for help obtaining your DEECA letter of in principle support, contact your local Land and Built Environment (LBE) officer (details below) as early as possible in the application process via the DEECA Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 or email:
Barwon South West region
- Jacob Mathieson
- Fraser Clatworthy
Gippsland region
- Bass Coast - Tamika Lovett
- South Gippsland - Kylie Douglas
- Wellington - Angie Hughes
- East Gippsland - Tracey West
Port Phillip region
- Jill Garvey
Apply for a Coastal Public Access and Risk grant
The 2023-24 grant round is closed. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing in early 2024.
Page last updated: 01/11/23