The current status of biosecurity according to the number of arrivals of new Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) is Fair. This status was determined by 2 recorded NIS arrivals during the 2020-2025, 5-year period. The current trend is Declining, since the 2015-2020, 5-year period had no recorded new NIS. This indicator assesses the number of arrivals of new non-indigenous species (NIS) in Port Phillip Bay across time.
This indicator is widely used across the globe; adopted by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – also known as the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), applied in the UK Marine Strategy, recognised as a common indictor by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine
European Fan Worm, Photo Credit: J McDonald
Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR), and for the European Commission Good Environmental Status for NIS. The objective is no primary introductions of NIS due to human activities during a 5-year assessment period, aligning with the EMP 5-yearly reporting framework.
Page last updated: 12/11/24