The Marine and Coastal Policy guides decision makers in the planning, management and sustainable use of our coastal and marine environment. It provides direction to decision makers including local councils and land managers on a range of issues such as dealing with the impacts of climate change, population growth and ageing coastal structures.

Marine and Coastal Policy (PDF, 7.1 MB)

Executive Summary - Marine and Coastal Policy (PDF, 1.1 MB)

FAQ - Marine and Coastal Policy (PDF, 171.9 KB)

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The policy has been prepared in consultation with key government and non-government groups, with representation across various sectors, and with guidance from the Victorian Marine and Coastal Council. It draws and builds on the merits of the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2014 and fills identified gaps.

A draft policy was released in July 2019 and was available for public comment for 2 months. More than 200 submissions were received. The final policy was informed by all the contributions made by the Victorian community.

The Marine Spatial Planning Framework component of the policy was developed through an inclusive and participatory engagement approach. The approach modelled ways of working together that reflect how marine spatial planning should take place in the future.

A summary of the consultation activities has been prepared. This includes an overview of how feedback received through submissions has influenced the refinement of the final policy.

Summary of Consultation - Draft Marine and Coastal Policy (PDF, 609.0 KB)

Traditional Owner consultation

The policy recognises Traditional Owners’ enduring connection to Country and supports a self-determination model that facilitates current and future generations to have their voices heard in planning and management decisions, and to care for Country.

The development of the policy has benefited from the direct involvement of coastal Traditional Owners through the Sea Country Co-Governance Group, jointly chaired by Traditional Owner Corporations and the Chair of the Victorian Marine and Coastal Council.

Marine and Coastal Strategy

The Victorian Government is committed to implementing the Policy through the implementation of the Marine and Coastal Strategy.

The Strategy gives effect to the policy by detailing priority actions over a 5-year period and will be the key mechanism for addressing new and challenging issues.

Page last updated: 22/03/23